Understanding Knee Pain

The knee joint is complex and consists of many different structures, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, blood vessels, and bursae. As a result, providing a diagnosis for pain around your knee may be challenging. However, based on the anatomical location of your pain, we can determine the most likely cause and treat you effectively.  The…

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Groin Pain

Adductor muscle injuries The adductor muscles are the group of muscles on the inside of your thigh. These muscles are also responsible for bringing your leg inward toward the other leg, and also help to stabilise your pelvis and leg. Muscle strains are encountered more frequently in sports like hockey, soccer and rugby, where athletes…

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Hip Pain

Femoro-acetabular/ Anterior Impingement Some people have an irregular shaped hip joint, where extra bone growth narrows the space for the hip joint to move. This can cause friction in the hip. The abnormal contact between joint surfaces is known as Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). Movement of the hip will be painful and restricted. In a healthy,…

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Buttock Pain

Many of the conditions discussed under “Low Back Pain” can also cause pain in your buttock area. Piriformis Syndrome Piriformis syndrome is a general term to describe pain arising from the deep gluteal region. It is not really a specific diagnosis, since it is not always possible to establish whether the piriformis muscle is indeed…

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Lower Back Pain

Lower back Pain

Most of us will experience lower back pain at some point in our lives. There are multiple possible reasons for it. Lower back pain is rarely a result of serious damage. But more often a result of overuse, unaccustomed loading, weakness, or deconditioning. With most low back problems, a specific cause cannot be determined and…

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Elbow and arm Pain

Lateral Elbow Pain The most common cause for pain on the outer part of the elbow is Tennis elbow. Tennis elbow is an overuse injury of the tendons from your forearm and wrist muscles. Although its name suggests that this is a tennis injury, anyone can develop this overuse tendinopathy. If often occurs as a…

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Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can either occur suddenly with acute incidents or develop gradually over time. In chronic shoulder problems, it is often challenging to determine the exact cause of pain, and thus making a definitive diagnosis is not always possible. With any chronic shoulder problem, you will most probably experience pain at night, especially when you…

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Neck Pain

Physiotherapy is a very common and very effective way to manage neck pain. Our treatment approach will depend on each person’s situation. The type of symptoms you have, how these symptoms developed, how you have tried to manage your symptoms, and what your goals are with treatment. Our goal of treating neck problems is usually…

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Physiotherapy for Headaches

Physiotherapy to treat Headaches

Headaches comprise one of the most common pain conditions worldwide and are a common cause for visits to medical practitioners and physiotherapists. According to clevelandclinic.org, up to 75% of adults would have experienced a headache in the last year, and headache is a major cause of absenteeism from work or school. Headaches are also common…

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