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Fibromyalgia is a longstanding condition that can cause ongoing pain, stiffness, and tenderness in muscles, joints, and connective tissues. “Fibro” refers to fibrous (connective) tissue. “My” refers to muscle. And “algia” means pain. Despite causing significant pain, fibromyalgia does not cause tissue damage, injury, or inflammation.
What causes fibromyalgia is still unknown although it is a very common cause of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. A very complex syndrome thought to involve multiple physical and psychological factors.
Fibromyalgia is usually a diagnosis of exclusion since there is no specific test that confirms it. Symptoms can vary greatly in nature and severity from person to person and can disrupt a person’s life significantly. Fibromyalgia can affect people of any age, but it is more commonly observed between the ages of 20 and 55 years, with women being affected much more than men. Things that potentially contribute to the development of fibromyalgia include diet, environmental conditions, psychological trauma, and family history.
Fibromyalgia has also been associated with other systemic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and lupus. Irritable bowel syndrome is a common finding since the overactivity of the nervous system and abnormal hormone production can alter digestive functioning. Often, people with fibromyalgia also have disordered sleep patterns. The sleep disruptions caused by chronic pain lead to extreme fatigue and a lack of energy. The constant pain experienced exacerbates the lack of good sleep.
Fibromyalgia is a systemic condition, with the involvement of various physical, chemical, neurological and hormonal body functions. A disruption or abnormality in any of these bodily processes results in a problem with how you perceive and process pain. This altered nervous system response to pain is what causes you to be extremely sensitive to pain. Muscle pain, especially in the back and neck, is usually the main symptom. You may experience aching or burning pain in your muscles that do not get better with movement or rest. Stress, strenuous exercise or activities, unfavourable weather, trauma, or illness typically exacerbate pain.
Associated symptoms like headaches, dizziness, numbness or tingling, clumsiness, and fatigue can occur. Sleep disturbances, difficulty concentrating, feeling tired and emotionally down can make everyday life very challenging. Our caring staff at Just Physio understand that Fibromyalgia is a very distressing and complex condition, and we would love to help you. We do not only provide physical relief from your pain and stiffness, but also want to make you feel understood and supported. We want to enable you to better manage your symptoms and empower you to live a more fulfilling life.
The main goal of our treatment will be to relieve your pain and associated symptoms. Pain management strategies may include the use of electrotherapy, heat or cold, massage, and stretching, depending on what works for you. We will also empower you to become stronger and more resilient by designing a personalised exercise program for you. Exercise is a powerful pain inhibitor. Exercise will improve your general health and make you feel stronger, more energetic, and rejuvenated. We can also take you through various relaxation techniques to calm your nervous system. Options we may offer you include breathing techniques, therapeutic massage, spinal mobilisations, yoga, and stretching.
Since we aim to embrace holistic care, we can help you identify the things that trigger your pain to flare up and provide advice on how to manage and prevent these. Understanding your condition will help you better manage it, and we are here to provide you with all the needed information.
Although physiotherapy is typically a hands-on therapy, which might make you want to avoid it if you have intense pain and tenderness all through your body, our physiotherapists are skilled in adapting our techniques. We want to heal, not hurt and will use gentle and effective techniques that work for you.
Conditions We Treat

Jaw and TMJ Disorders
Chest Pain/ lung problems
Shoulder Pain
Elbow & Arm Pain
Groin Pain
Hip Pain
Thigh Pain
Ankle Pain
Knee Pain
Foot Pain
Neck Pain
Thoracic / upper back Pain
Lower back Pain
Buttock Pain
Wrist,hand and finger Pain
Lower leg Pain